Returning to “In Person” Worship – you are invited!
After more than seven months of refraining from “in person” worship during the COVID-19 pandemic, the people of Trinity Lutheran Church will begin a return to worship on Sunday, October 25, 2020. Beginning that Sunday, we will again gather for worship services onsite at 8 a.m. (traditional in the sanctuary), 9:15 a.m. (Rejoice worship in Centennial Hall) and 10:45 a.m. (traditional worship in the sanctuary).
For those who do not elect to come back to worship this fall, live streaming of the 9:15 a.m. Rejoice worship service will continue every Sunday. An action of the Congregation Council at its October 2020 meeting has authorized upgrading the AV system in the sanctuary so that we will have the option to live stream both Rejoice and traditional worship services in the months ahead.
Many will choose to not return to worship right away – we hope that everyone will make the best choice for their own health and safety. If you do return to worship beginning October 25, please know:
- that entry to traditional worship will be from the sanctuary’s exterior doors only; usher/greeters will meet you as you arrive, provide a contact tracing card that everyone will need to complete and offer instructions regarding our distanced seating
- that entry to Rejoice worship will be via the west main office entrance and the Northeast entrance only; usher/greeters will meet you as you arrive, provide a contact tracing card that everyone will need to complete and offer instructions regarding our distanced seating
- that seating will be designed to provide six feet distancing between rows, and that you will be asked to keep six feet between you and others in your row of seating
- that everyone will be asked to wear a mask for the entire worship service
- that the offering will be received at a fixed location as you come to communion
- that usher/greeters will direct you forward to receive communion, maintaining six-foot distancing between communicants
- that communion will be served by wafer only
- that we will not sing during worship, but that worshippers will be invited to hum along to hymns, liturgy and songs
- that there will be no ‘physical’ Children’s Time
- that we will remain in our places at the Sharing of the Peace
- that we will not be providing nursery care or Coffee Hour refreshments at this time
- that a cleaning/disinfecting of the sanctuary will occur after the 8 a.m. worship service in preparation for the 10:45 a.m. worship service
- that you will be ushered out of the worship space at the end of the liturgy
That feels like a long list of provisions, but we are seeking to facilitate this return to worship with an abundance of caution. Blessings O people of Trinity Lutheran Church! Come, and let us worship . . .