Christmas Angel
Christmas gift collection
Christmas gift collection
Join us on Tuesday mornings to grow our faith together. Studies will be listed in the Messenger. Contact Karen Unruh for more information.
Lutheran World Relief Quilters meet to make quilts. See Ruth Ann Evans for more information.
Trinity's caregiver support group is for those who are the primary caregivers for a parent, adult child, or spouse who gather together to Care for each other and Share their journeys. Meets most months from September to May. Monthly details can be found in the...
George Bauer
See Bill Day for more information.
Kristin Tuesday evening book club is open to adult members and friends of all ages, genders and interests. This groups meets on the Third Tuesdays of the month at Trinity from September to May. Book titles can be found in the Messenger. Contact Corina Dulecki...
Meeting of the Worship and Music Committee.