Collecting personal hygiene products to be distributed to local non-profit agencies.
Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. Children are taught in a small group setting, using Spark, a Lutheran, lectionary-based curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. Weekly activities include Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and offering.
Times when our middle schoolers are working on service projects in the community.
Schubert Male Chorus rehearsal, see GeneAnn Schaefer for more information.
On Wednesday, April 3, following the first morning session of our spring Adult Forum on "Following the Way of Jesus - A Holy Land Journey", you're invited to a traditional Palestinian lunch. Forum co-presenter, native Palestinian and Trinity member Albert Asfour is excited to prepare and share...
Power Bend, Stretch and Reach for the Sky! Trinity member Debra Freeberg will guide us through exercises to improve strength, balance and flexibility.
Tai chi is often described as ‘meditation in motion’ or ‘movement in motion’. The martial art of tai chi is all about slow, rhythmic, meditative movements designed to help you find peace and calm. Tai chi addresses the key components of fitness — strength, flexibility,...
Maundy Thursday worship with the Washing of Hands, Holy Communion and the Solemn Stripping of the Altar
The solemn Holy Week worship service on Good Friday; the Adoration of the Crucified