Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
All pre-schoolers are welcomed to Sunday School with a special blessing in worship. Three-year-olds and children new to Trinity’s Sunday School will be given a storybook Bible. First-time preschool parents are invited to experience Sunday school at 9:30 with their children.
“Stay & Play” children's events conveniently follow the 9:15 a.m. worship service. Each event is unique, with varied themes and celebrations. Friends, faith, fellowship, and FUN!
Join us for Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary or watch a live stream on our YouTube channel.
All parish potluck following the 10:45 a.m. worship service. TLC will provide the entre with parishioners bringing sides and desserts. Please sign up on the SignUpGenius link which can be found in the weekly eBlast.
Stephen Ministry Training. Must have an accepted application prior to starting the course. Contact Faith Community Nurse Kristin Bradley for more information.
Power Bend and Stretch -- Reach for the Sky! This class is taught by Trinity member Debra Freeberg from September to May on most Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Commons. To verify dates/times check the Messenger, Weekly Connection, call the...
Meeting of the Property Committee to review projects/needs of the church. Contact Rick Radke for more details.
Lutheran World Relief Quilters meet to make quilts. See Ruth Ann Evans for more information.
Join us on Tuesday mornings to grow our faith together. Studies will be listed in the Messenger. Contact Karen Unruh for more information.
Come and learn Tai Chi in the 24-form style. Tai chi is often described as ‘meditation in motion’ or ‘movement in motion’. The martial art of tai chi is about slow, rhythmic, meditative movements designed to help you find peace and calm. Tai Chi addresses...
Have you ever wanted to learn more about your phone, computer or tablet? Feel more comfortable troubleshooting issues? Have a personal resource available to work through glitches? We've got you covered! Come join us for "Tech Tuesdays at Trinity"! This 6 week course will be...
Fitness for mothers, contact Sarah Greidanus for more details. Meet inside during inclement weather and during the winter months.
Power Bend and Stretch -- Reach for the Sky! This class is taught by Trinity member Debra Freeberg from September to May on most Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Commons. To verify dates/times check the Messenger, Weekly Connection, call the...
We hold space for adult forums, bible studies, and educational opportunities on Wednesday mornings and evenings. Watch the Messenger for upcoming times, topics, and presenters.
Trinity's Safety and Security team is sharing updated emergency response information for the usher teams and anyone in the congregation who is interested. In addition to general service flow for ushers, other topics covered include medical, weather, fire, and building preparedness. This is a repeat...
Come and learn Tai Chi in the 24-form style. Tai chi is often described as ‘meditation in motion’ or ‘movement in motion’. The martial art of tai chi is about slow, rhythmic, meditative movements designed to help you find peace and calm. Tai Chi addresses...
The Helping Hands Committee meets bimonthly throughout the year to plan ways to support the needs of our congregation members. We're always welcoming new committee members! Contact Jeanne Becker for more information.
This women's book group meets the second Tuesday of each month in members' homes from September to May. Check the Messenger for book titles and locations. Contact Carol Hendricks for more information.