Children’s Ministry

Trinity’s Children’s Ministry lays the foundation for a lifelong journey with Jesus Christ. Children discover that God is active in their lives, form loving connections with a family of believers, and share God’s blessings with our community and the world. For more information on all that the Children’s Ministry has to offer, email


Trinity also offers VBS each summer! Children ages 3 years through grade 5 will experience God’s love through song, skits, stories, crafts, and more! This event is free and open to the community. Stay tuned for VBS dates for the summer of 2024!


Click Here for Trinity’s Child Protection Policy.


Please use on one of the buttons below to register for Sunday school this year!

  • Sunday School runs September through May. Children are taught in a small group setting, using a Lutheran, lectionary-based curriculum. Weekly activities include Bible lessons, games, crafts, and offering. Contact for more information.

  • Please check back for VBS dates for the summer of 2024!

  • Located on our lower level, the nursery is staffed with childcare professionals, dedicated to providing loving care for little ones. The nursery is open on Sundays from 8:45 am – 12:15 pm

  • We strive to provide a healthy environment for all and ask those experiencing symptoms of communicable illnesses refrain from in-person activities. At check-in, kids will have temperatures taken and be given a name tag. Parents will get the corresponding pick-up sticker. The matching of these two stickers ensures a safe and secure pick-up. Click Here for Trinity’s Child Protection Policy.

  • A fun, fellowship event especially for young families! Twice a year on a Saturday morning we gather and enjoy a pancake breakfast, Bible stories, songs, and activities for infants, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. Check the church calendar for dates and times.

  • The story of Jesus’ birth is presented through song and scripture by the children of Trinity each December. Children rehearse songs and speaking parts in Sunday School starting in October.The congregation is invited to a Christmas Cookie Reception following the service. See the church calendar for dates and times.

  • A fellowship group especially for families with children under 5 years old. This group of families plans fun family outings, date nights, and movie nights. Check the church calendar or email for more information.

  • The Children’s Ministry is grateful to partner with these kid-focused charities: Kid’s Food Basket; In The Image; Family Promise/IHN; Kids Coalition Against Hunger

  • Get involved with Children’s Ministry by volunteering for Sunday School, VBS and many other events. Volunteers working with children and youth must be active Trinity members for at least 6 months, are required to submit a volunteer application, and be trained on our Child Protection Policy.