Trinity Lutheran Church offers members numerous support services and resources for a wide variety of life events and special occasions where our help is needed. Click on any of the services below to learn more.
If you have further questions about any of the services described below, or a service that may not be listed here, please email the appropriate individual listed in each description, or feel free to call the church office directly at 616.949.2510.
A columbarium is a structure with recesses in the walls to hold the urns of cremated loved ones. Trinity offers a columbarium for members of Trinity who would like to have a special setting for the urns of cremated loved ones. Trinity’s columbarium and surrounding garden is located on the balcony area outside the narthex, under the cross tower.
Trinity In Touch provides homebound communion and communications with any member unable to join our congregation in worship. If you are interested in receiving or providing connections in these ways, contact Kristin Bradley.
Contact Kristin