Reformation Sunday

Join us in celebrating ‘the ongoing reformation of the church’. We celebrate ‘ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei,’ “the church reformed, yet always reforming according to the Word of God,” as Lutheran flavored Christians.


After a significant worldwide celebration in 2017 to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, including the Grand Rapids area joint Lutheran/Catholic worship celebration at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, we come together again on Reformation Sunday, October 25, 2020, to celebrate our heritage and the ongoing reformation of the church.


We will have “in person” worship at 8, 9:15 and 10:45 am; and we will also live stream the 9:15 am Rejoice worship service at Trinity. Join us in festival worship on October 25th!


Many will choose to refrain from returning to worship this fall as we continue to make our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who return to “in person” worship will do so with limitations based on distancing, the wearing of masks, limited distribution of Holy Communion and a lack of singing. We will, however, continue to provide the live streaming of the 9:15 am worship service from Centennial Hall in addition to the three “in person” worship services.


We will encourage all our people to make the best choices for their own particular needs related to our gathering of the Trinity community in worship.


Much will need to be accomplished in the next month to actualize our return to “in person” worship on October 25th. The people of Trinity will have opportunities to step up and help make this long-deferred dream a reality. Watch for your opportunity to sign up and serve.


A new season is dawning in our life together at Trinity. On Reformation Sunday, a day that evokes our heritage as Lutherans, tied to the social media revolution launched by Johannes Gutenberg 568 years ago today, we will, with an abundance of caution, gather again in Trinity’s places of worship to hear the Word of God and share the sacrament. Come and let us worship.