Adult Forum Tag

What Does it Mean to Be and ELCA Lutheran? Why Should Anyone Care? Have you ever wondered: • Why our church ordains women, but so many other churches do not? • Why we celebrate two sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) while our Catholic brothers and sisters celebrate seven? •...

What Does it Mean to Be and ELCA Lutheran? Why Should Anyone Care? Have you ever wondered: • Why our church ordains women, but so many other churches do not? • Why we celebrate two sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) while our Catholic brothers and sisters celebrate seven? •...

What Does it Mean to Be and ELCA Lutheran? Why Should Anyone Care? Have you ever wondered: • Why our church ordains women, but so many other churches do not? • Why we celebrate two sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion) while our Catholic brothers and sisters celebrate seven? •...