

Women’s Bible Study

Upper Room

Text: The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to the Holy Spirit: Hand-Raisers, Han, and the Holy Ghost by Grace Ji-Sun Kim Throughout this book, you will get a taste of the different ways the church has understood the Spirit, partnered with the Paraclete, and imaged the Spirit...


LWR Quilters


Join the ladies of Trinity as they assemble quilts to be used as warmth, shelter, bedding and so much more. To learn more about Lutheran World Relief go here. Contact: Ruth Ann Evans


Fitness Classes


Somatic Yoga and Tai Chi classes continue all summer on most Tuesday and Thursday mornings. You might even find the Tai Chi group practicing outdoors! Connect with Xristina Kuhlmann for this week's schedule - 616.719.6961


Worship & Music Comm Mtg


A meeting of the team of worship and music leaders to collaborate in planning Trinity's worship life and concert opportunities.


Tuesday Book Club

Youth Room

Do you enjoy reading? Please join us for Tuesday evening book club! This group is open to adults of any age and any gender. We love having new people, so bring a friend! This year we will be meeting at Trinity on the third Tuesday...