
All Day

Bus Ticket Appeal

Monetary Collection to provide bus tickets for the agencies we support and their clients to get to work, etc.

School Supplies Appeal

Pencils, notebooks, wipes, Kleenex, crayons, backpacks, folders, hand sanitizers to be donated to the students of Congress Elementary.


Family Promise EOS Mtg

Youth Room

Family Promise quarterly leadership team meeting. Contact: Kelsy Vining 7/11 - 7 ppl 7/13 - 5 ppl 7/18 - 6 ppl 7/19 - 4 ppl 7/24 14 ppl 7/26 - 5 ppl 7/27 - 9 ppl 7/28 - 9 ppl  

LWR Quilters


Join the ladies of Trinity as they assemble quilts to be used as warmth, shelter, bedding and so much more. To learn more about Lutheran World Relief go here. Contact: Ruth Ann Evans


Fitness Classes


Somatic Yoga and Tai Chi classes continue all summer on most Tuesday and Thursday mornings. You might even find the Tai Chi group practicing outdoors! Connect with Xristina Kuhlmann for this week's schedule - 616.719.6961
