
Tai Chi


Tai chi is often described as ‘meditation in motion’ or ‘movement in motion’. The martial art of tai chi is all about slow, rhythmic, meditative movements designed to help you find peace and calm. Tai chi addresses the key components of fitness — strength, flexibility,...


Rummage Sale

Our annual Rummage Sale Thursday 5-8 Friday 10-12, 4-8 Saturday 9-12

High School Bible Study

Youth Room

Our high schoolers meet with Pr. Dan on the first Sunday of the month for Bible study and donuts!

Sunday School

Sunday School Rooms

Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. Children are taught in a small group setting, using Spark, a Lutheran, lectionary-based curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. Weekly activities include Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and offering.

Confirmation Sunday

A celebration of the faith formation of our 8th grade Confirmands after three years of catechetical instruction.