High School Youth Group
Youth RoomYouth group for our high schoolers.
Youth group for our high schoolers.
Power Bend and Stretch -- Reach for the Sky! This class is taught by Trinity member Debra Freeberg from September to May on most Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Commons. To verify dates/times check the Messenger, Weekly Connection, call the...
Led by Linda Taffs
Beyond Belief band rehearsal.
Contact Shirward Punches for more information on Council on Aging.
Join us on Tuesday mornings to grow our faith together. Studies will be listed in the Messenger. Contact Karen Unruh for more information.
Lutheran World Relief Quilters meet to make quilts. See Ruth Ann Evans for more information.
GriefShare is a biblical, Christ-centered support group designed to minister to people grieving the death of a loved one. Our next 13-week session will begin on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Contact Pastor Kari Fast for more information.
Continuing education for the Stephen Ministry team.