Exec Comm Mtg
ZoomMeeting of the Executive Committee.
Meeting of the Executive Committee.
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
Mommy and Me class - Sarah Greidanus
During these sessions, we will focus on the following ELCA Social Statements: Capital Punishment Abortion Human Sexuality (currently under review and modification by the ELCA) Other (Topics of interest to the group)
Meeting of the Property Committee to review projects/needs of the church. Contact Rick Radke for more details.
Rejoice band rehearsal.
Trinity’s Health Ministries committee meets 6-7 times a year on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested in helping to plan events that support the mental, physical and spiritual health of our community, please join us! Contact Faith Community Nurse Kristin Bradley...
Monthly meeting of the elected leadership team of our congregation.