Rejoice Band Rehearsal
Centennial HallRejoice band rehearsal.
Rejoice band rehearsal.
Schubert Male Chorus rehearsal, see GeneAnn Schaefer for more information.
Annamae Rotman: Young Organist Competition This local competition is sponsored by the Grand Rapids Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The 2023 competition was held at the Basilica of St. Adalbert and the 2024 event will be at Trinity Lutheran Church on the 3-manual...
A caregiver support group for those who are the primary caregivers for a parent, adult child or spouse who gather together to Care for each other and Share their journeys. Contact Faith Community Nurse Kristin Bradley for more information.
committee that provides support to Trinity's worship and music staff and ministry
The Tuesday night book club invites you to join us for a new year of reading great books and enjoying great conversation. We are open to all ages and genders and always welcome new members! Our first meeting this fall will be on September 19...
Power Bend, Stretch and Reach for the Sky! Trinity member Debra Freeberg will guide us through exercises to improve strength, balance and flexibility.
“Following the Way of Jesus” will be led by Trinity members Pastor Frank Rothfuss and Albert Asfour. We will listen and learn from Palestinian Christians about faith and forgiveness, love and life, hope and hardship. Please join us in Centennial Hall on Wednesdays at 10:30...
Catered luncheon followed by a speaker