Women’s Bible Study
Friday Morning Women's Bible Study
Friday Morning Women's Bible Study
Potluck Dinner followed by an 8 Person teams compete in a game of Trivia
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. Children are taught in a small group setting, using Spark, a Lutheran, lectionary-based curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. Weekly activities include Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and offering.
Confirmation Class
Trinity Mosaic: Dr. Darlene Kuperus, Organist & Pianist A tapestry of colors fills the Sanctuary of Trinity Lutheran Church in brilliant stained glass. The last concert in the 2023/24 series celebrates a mosaic of musical colors, sounds, and textures. The concert explores music composed for...
High School Youth Group Contact: Pastor Dan Schewe
Rejoice band rehearsal.
Schubert Male Chorus rehearsal, see GeneAnn Schaefer for more information.