Personal Hygiene Appeal
Collecting personal hygiene products to be distributed to local non-profit agencies.
Collecting personal hygiene products to be distributed to local non-profit agencies.
The week of our Rummage Sale. Set up on Sunday, organizing all week. Sale is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then we reset the building.
Continuing Education for the Stephen Ministry team.
Peer support for the Stephen Ministry team.
Peer support for the Stephen Ministry team.
Power Bend, Stretch and Reach for the Sky! Trinity member Debra Freeberg will guide us through exercises to improve strength, balance and flexibility.
“Following the Way of Jesus” will be led by Trinity members Pastor Frank Rothfuss and Albert Asfour. We will listen and learn from Palestinian Christians about faith and forgiveness, love and life, hope and hardship. Please join us in Centennial Hall on Wednesdays at 10:30...
Our next Adult Forum series “Following the Way of Jesus” will be led by Trinity members Pastor Frank Rothfuss and Albert Asfour. We will listen and learn from Palestinian Christians about faith and forgiveness, love and life, hope and hardship. Please join us in Centennial...