Coat & Blanket Appeal
Collect Coats and Blankets for local agencies.
Collect Coats and Blankets for local agencies.
Join us in the Sanctuary for worship.
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
All pre-schoolers are welcomed to Sunday School with a special blessing in worship. Three-year-olds and children new to Trinity’s Sunday School will be given a storybook Bible. First-time preschool parents are invited to experience Sunday school at 9:30 with their children.
“Stay & Play” children's events conveniently follow the 9:15 a.m. worship service. Each event is unique, with varied themes and celebrations. Friends, faith, fellowship, and FUN!
Join us for Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary or watch a live stream on our YouTube channel.
All parish potluck following the 10:45 a.m. worship service. TLC will provide the entre with parishioners bringing sides and desserts. Please sign up on the SignUpGenius link which can be found in the weekly eBlast.
Stephen Ministry Training. Must have an accepted application prior to starting the course. Contact Faith Community Nurse Kristin Bradley for more information.