
Preschooler Blessing

Centennial Hall

All pre-schoolers are welcomed to Sunday School with a special blessing in worship. Three-year-olds and children new to Trinity’s Sunday School will be given a storybook Bible. First-time preschool parents are invited to experience Sunday school at 9:30 with their children.

Stay & Play

Commons +2 more

“Stay & Play” children's events conveniently follow the 9:15 a.m. worship service. Each event is unique, with varied themes and celebrations. Friends, faith, fellowship, and FUN!

Outdoor Worship


Join us for Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary or watch a live stream on our YouTube channel.

Fall Parish Potluck

Courtyard +1 more

All parish potluck following the 10:45 a.m. worship service. TLC will provide the entre with parishioners bringing sides and desserts. Please sign up on the SignUpGenius link which can be found in the weekly eBlast.