Know Mercy
OffsiteManhattan Park Softball Field 331 Cascade Rd SE Field #1 Visitors: The Empire Stricks Out Home: Know Mercy
Manhattan Park Softball Field 331 Cascade Rd SE Field #1 Visitors: The Empire Stricks Out Home: Know Mercy
Opportunity for members to volunteer with folding, sorting and stocking storefront. In The Image 4255 Kalamazoo Avenue SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Contact Laura Norton for more information.
Wedding rehearsal of Madison Streling and Tyler Bryant.
Contact Kelly Smith for details.
Marriage of Madison Streling and Tyler Bryant.
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
VBS includes 4 fun-filled mornings at Trinity. All kids ages 3-years though 5th grade are invited to this free event. Youth, parents, and members of our congregation help organize a week of games, songs, and Bible stories.
VBS week sign up
Mommy and Me class - Sarah Greidanus