Choosing Peace & Serenity AFG
Upper RoomContact Jane Hofstra for more details.
Contact Jane Hofstra for more details.
All high schoolers and their friends are invited to help us help our neighbors! We are helping Home Repair Services paint part of a house for a veteran and building parts for ramps. Contact Pastor Dan Schewe for more details.
Join us in the Sanctuary for worship.
All elementary kids are invited to bring their backpacks to worship for a special blessing. They will receive a backpack charm.
As the new school year begins, we lift up our teachers in worship. All teachers, from preschool to college, are invited to stand for a special blessing with Trinity’s Sunday school teachers.
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
Mommy and Me class - Sarah Greidanus
A meeting of the Safety and Security team.