Personal Hygiene Appeal
Collecting personal hygiene products to be distributed to local non-profit agencies.
Collecting personal hygiene products to be distributed to local non-profit agencies.
Led by Dan and Carol Butler
fellowship meal on the Wednesdays of Lent
A gathering in the quiet of the sanctuary for liturgy for Lent That You May Have Life
High School Youth Group Contact: Pastor Dan Schewe
Friday Morning Women's Bible Study
Join us for Rejoice contemporary worship in Centennial Hall or watch the live stream on our YouTube channel.
Lenten Grace Group led by Carrie Wygmans
Sunday School is offered for children ages 3 years through 5th grade. Children are taught in a small group setting, using Spark, a Lutheran, lectionary-based curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. Weekly activities include Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and offering.