High School Youth Group
Youth RoomHigh School Youth Group Contact: Pastor Dan Schewe
High School Youth Group Contact: Pastor Dan Schewe
High School Youth Group Contact: Pastor Dan Schewe
Rejoice band rehearsal.
Schubert Male Chorus rehearsal, see GeneAnn Schaefer for more information.
Trinity’s Health Ministries committee meets 6-7 times a year on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested in helping support the mental, physical and spiritual health of our community, please join us! Contact Faith Community Nurse Kristin Bradley for more details.
Led by Karen Unruh
A caregiver support group for those who are the primary caregivers for a parent, adult child or spouse who gather together to Care for each other and Share their journeys. Contact: Kristin.Bradley
Chris Waite
The Tuesday night book club invites you to join us for a new year of reading great books and enjoying great conversation. We are open to all ages and genders and always welcome new members! Our first meeting this fall will be on September 19...